Sunday, November 28, 2010

12 Days of Christmas Recipes

Hello, friends and random internet strangers,

I had an idea!  I'm going to get creative.  Over the next month, I'm going to make recipes and/or menus based on the 12 Days of Christmas song.  Starting December 26th, I will post one each day until January 6th.

I'll have to get creative and think outside the box on some days because I'm not planning to cook up swan or turtledoves.  But I already have multiple ideas for each day in the song, some being traditional and expected, and some a little out there.  I think this will be super fun!

Just click on the links to see the recipes I came up with for each day.  They'll be at the bottom of each page.

Anne's 12 Days of Christmas Recipes  

1st Day: Partridge in Pear Tree : Roasted Cornish Hens in a Caramelized Sage-Pear Sauce and Shakespeare's Saffron Warden Pear Pie

2nd Day: Two Turtledoves :  Bacon Cheese Turtleburgers and Dove Chocolate Turtles
3rd Day: Three French Hens  : Bouillabaisse de Poulet, Garlic French Bread, 
 and Mousse au Chocolat
4th Day: Four Calling Birds : Quartet of Turkey Rings Spilling the Beans and Dishing the Dirt (Cake)
5th Day: Five Gold Rings  : Rosemary-Pineapple Upside-Down Cake       
6th Day: Six Geese a-Laying : Gooseberry-Raspberry Tartlets and Laying an Egg on Brussels Sprouts Hash
7th Day: Seven Swans a-Swimming : Seared Duck Breast Swimming in Orange Sauce and Swan Cream Puffs Swimming in Chocolate

8th Day: Eight Maids a-Milking : Swiss Miss Cocoa Milkshake and 4-Cheese Baked Macaroni

9th Day: Nine Ladies Dancing : Eggs Flamenco, Ladyfingers doing the Salsa, & Tennessee Waltz Drink

10th Day: Ten Lords a-Leaping : Capering Baron of Beef au jus, Trinidad Hops Bread, and Grasshopper Pie

11th Day: Eleven Pipers Piping : Zucchini Flutes with Piped Basil Mousse, and Pistachio-Cheese Pipes

12th Day: Twelve Drummers Drumming : Timpano Di Maccheroni (Pasta Timpani) and Dobos Torte (Hungarian Drum Cake)

Happy Holidays,
Anne (ThePharmGirl)

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